A Man Without a Country

Kurt Vonnegut is now eighty-three and one of my favorite authors. He is endlessly fascinating and a far cry from the academics who put can put you to sleep writing about the same topic in a dead-pan style. I reviewed his book - A Man Without a Country on the book blog.

Kurt Vonnegut is among the few grandmasters of American letters, one without whom the very term American literature would mean much less than it does.


George said...

indeed ... his style might take a little getting used to but after Hocus Pocus the madness is entertaining:)

hirak said...

I agree, it does take a couple of books to really appreciate his style. Vonnegut is immensely quotable and you can quote him without sounding high falutin' literary. While his unpretentious, direct style and sci-fi tone is not conventional 'hi-lit', his work is one of the finest in English literature.
When there are multiple layers to single sentence, you can rest assured that you are in the presence of a master.

To whom it may concern: It is springtime. It is late afternoon.
Kurt Vonnegut

Javed said...

"So it goes." :)

Wavefunction said...

...being a clarion call for me to dip into some Vonnegut